From Stress to Strength: Building an Agile Culture Through Purposeful Pausing
Today's essential growth skill is mastering the art of pausing—learning to listen deeply and ask powerful questions that foster curiosity, clarity, and courage to navigate change with confidence.
When we rush to respond, we tend to react. When we rush to fix, we tend to solve the wrong problem. When we speak before we think, we tend to create tension. When we keep running faster to keep up, we solve new problems with old tools.
We are conditioned to squeeze every last minute out of everything; sure, we aim to achieve results, but how?
Without pausing to think, engage, and act with intention, we tend to get stuck in the same patterns and behaviors, juggling the same problems instead of accessing our innate human advantage to harness change and cultivate growth. What if pausing is how we could spend time better? Make faster and better decisions? Build better relationships?
We believe we don’t have time to pause, but we don’t have time not to.
When we keep trying to perform by working faster and faster, we misunderstand where true performance comes from. Instead of keeping up with the speed of technology, we need to realize that human connection builds success, starting with our connection with ourselves.
Unleashing the power of pausing, we can cut through the overwhelm and reclaim our focus so that we can think, engage, and act with care and solve the right problem.
Power-Pausing is how we make better decisions faster.
Power-Pausing is how we become more aware, adaptable, and agile.
Power-Pausing is also how we stop burning out and start working better together.
Power-Pausing is how we connect, communicate, and collaborate with care.
Power-Pausing is how we ask better questions that lead to change and growth.
You can think of it as mindfulness in action.
Imagine a culture of pausing; what could change? We can stop for a moment, listen, notice, and then make a conscious choice, a meaningful decision, a mindful connection, and lead with care. That gap in time allows us to create change, think, engage, and act with care and on purpose. We could pause for just a moment so that we can become more aware, adaptable, and agile and cultivate a culture built on connection and resilience from the inside out. What would change? To work better and create sustainable work-life quality, we need to learn to pause on purpose so that we can come out of being overwhelmed and unstress to harness change. Engage in care-driven conversations that build courage, creativity, and clarity.
By asking better questions, we can lead ourselves and our people better by unlocking the answers to our human performance, health, and happiness. We can create a culture of connection, communication, and collaboration that is purpose-driven, diverse, and inclusive of what makes us great: our humanity.
Change the question, change the connection,
harness the power of being human
“Truly. I can’t thank you enough. In the chat, people were connecting with your message in a wonderful way. Many were finishing the session with ‘may the pause be with you and so many posted that this is exactly the discussion we should be having at the organization.
One post said ‘This is the session I have been most excited about, and it exceeded my expectations.’
You are a powerful speaker, and I loved the pace with which you shared your ideas and the way it felt like we were in your living room having a chat together.
This has been a great contribution to our work. Thank you.”
Catherine Power
Advisor – Global Strategy Development, Human Rights Watch
care-driven conversations
build a connected culture
We spend so much time focusing on what needs to be fixed rather than how to make it work. The average mind has 6,000 thoughts per day, 90% are repeats from yesterday, and when running on stress, 70% of our thinking is stuck in the negativity bias.
51% are not engaged at work, and 16% are actively not engaged. Studies show we are wasting up to 50% of our time every day not being present. If you consider that our habits are 95% automatic and mindless, you can see why training our mindset to focus on purpose is essential.
The way we work isn’t working well.
Our challenge to perform at our best is not about having time, it is about how we spend our time having better conversations, and it starts with the ones we have with ourselves.
In a purpose-driven interactive experience, I show my audience how to pause, listen, ask better questions, and pay attention.
This is how we reclaim agency, take charge of our mindset, and cultivate care-driven conversations that produce results. Together.
“Jeanette was charming and witty. She had our members thinking and laughing as she cleverly challenged the audience to imagine what could change if we simply took a pause from the hustle and bustle of the routine activities. Jeanette’s flexible and accommodating nature made the scheduling process easy—it was a pleasure to have the opportunity to work with her!”
Jim Cleghorn
Director, Leadership Capacity Development and Member Engagement
NCSBN (National Council of State Boards of Nursing).
Learning to listen with intent and care
Peak performance is not about pushing harder; it is about knowing what we need to be our best selves at work. We can train our mindset to find solutions and be innovative and more engaged by using tools from hypnotherapy and mindfulness. When we are working against ourselves, we feel broken, and we get overwhelmed by stress and anxiety. We can end up depressed and feeling hopeless. When we bring positive self-inquiry into our workday, we can cut through the noise and find more clarity, courage, and confidence. Our inner dialog can either work against us or work for us. By training our mindset to Power-Pause and re-focus our attention on what we need to achieve and succeed, we connect with ourselves and others with a growth mindset and make work better together.
By asking better questions, we train our minds to “think forward” and make our self-talk work for us rather than against us.
The key to unlocking the power of being human: attention, connection and care.
We are more digitally connected than ever, yet we often feel more disconnected from ourselves and each other. This disconnection has created a society, community, and culture marked by loneliness. However, unlocking the power of togetherness goes beyond mere physical presence; it involves building trust to develop meaningful relationships based on connection and care, starting with our relationship with ourselves.
Reclaiming our power and leveraging our human potential is crucial for gaining agency in our lives, fostering strong mental health, and building relationships that prevent burnout and promote thriving. Cultivating sustainable cultures of collective well-being involves equipping people with the tools to face uncertainty and focusing our attention on navigating change toward growth, thereby revealing the opportunities that arise from challenges.
As we confront the reality of constant change and uncertainty, we aim to foster an agile culture that will shape the future of work. Leaders can facilitate change and growth by implementing Power-Pausing™ techniques to ask The Right Why®. This approach creates a work environment where teams collaboratively cultivate a culture that supports everyone in realizing their human potential.
In a culture where everyone feels valued, seen, and heard—where individuality and humanity are respected—we can transition into a Culture of Care®, where collective efforts lead to improved performance and well-being. Together, we can achieve more.
“Attending this event gave me the confidence to encourage others to focus on their health and mental wellbeing. I am now encouraging my colleagues to take breaks to stay fresh and focused.”
Mya Twersky
Associate, Diversified Agency Services
“Jeanette, Thank you for being you, showing up with your passion and commitment to humanity.”