Know Yourself, Grow Yourself:
A Transformative Coaching Journey

Change Is Inevitable. Growth Is Your Choice: Master Self-Understanding to Transform Your Future

In today's world of constant change, it's natural to feel stuck, confused, and overwhelmed by change fatigue. There's a delicate balance between the stress of change and the excitement it brings. Our perspective greatly influences how we engage with change - whether we welcome it or see it as a disruption to our safe routines.

This transformative coaching program helps you navigate the tension between the familiar and the new, turning challenges into opportunities for growth. We focus on developing tools and practices to unlock your growth from the inside out.

The Change Journey starts with pausing.

Change always creates tension between what we know and don't know. In this "messy middle," we experience both anxiety and excitement. There's no right or wrong way to respond to change - it's a continuous journey of evolving and becoming. To change the way we think, engage and act we start with learning the power of pausing.

Our Unique Approach

We combine the Power-Pause methodology, Hogan Assessment data, the Self-Care Mindset approach, and insight guidance to help you develop:

  • Deeper self-awareness and emotional intelligence

  • Tools for sustainable personal transformation

  • Strategies to navigate change with confidence

Core Benefits

This comprehensive program helps you:

  • Break through limiting beliefs and reactive patterns through emotional agency

  • Develop your human advantage by understanding your authentic strengths and purpose

  • Transform challenges into opportunities:

    • Convert stress into personal power through compassionate self-awareness

    • Channel fear into courageous action with mindful pausing

    • Turn uncertainty into creative exploration and growth

The CARE Framework

Our science-backed approach uses the CARE framework to create lasting transformation:

  • Compassionate awareness of your patterns

  • Authentic engagement with your challenges

  • Responsive choices rather than reactive behaviors

  • Embodied wisdom through practice

Transformative Self-Inquiry

Growth happens through conscious self-reflection. Key questions we explore:

  • How do my actions align with my authentic values and purpose?

    • What would become possible if I acted more in alignment with my values?

    • Where am I holding back from living my truth?

  • What patterns emerge when I pause to reflect?

    • How do these patterns serve or limit me?

    • What new possibilities could conscious reflection reveal?

Your Growth Journey

Using insights from your Hogan Assessment, we create a personalized roadmap that aligns with your natural strengths. This data-driven approach, combined with emotional intelligence training, creates sustainable transformation by working with your mindset and natural capacity for growth.

The journey of self-discovery and growth is ongoing. Through our work together, you'll develop the tools, insights, and emotional agency needed to navigate change with confidence and purpose and grow beyond yourself from the inside out.

“Jeanette and I met through coaching sessions at Chief. She really resonated with me as she gave quick perspective, real life examples and a no BS approach. She has incredible IQ and EQ which has made me a better person.”

Katie Klumper

“Our coaching session was incredibly helpful and I was so relieved to leave with realistic takeaways. Using the actionable advice you provided me, I approached my boss and received exactly the outcome I had hoped for. Your concise suggestions on how to harness my self-doubt as a valuable indicator has changed my mindset and improved my productivity.”

Casey Christopher

“Working with Jeanette has helped me master my energy, focus and stress. I’ve brought her into my company and it has made a difference for all of us in the conversation of bringing our best to our work and most importantly, life.

Danielle, Director of Loyalty Programs, BlackRock

Insight Program:

Hogan Leadership Assessment and Evaluation:

Insight into your personality, values, and growth edges.

Assessment, feedback, and change strategies.

2 sessions, $1,500 (includes the assessment)

Know Yourself Program:

Hogan Leadership Assessment, Evaluation, and Change Coaching:

Insight into your Personality, Values, and Growth Edges.

Assessment, feedback, change strategies, and personalized coaching.

6 sessions, $3500 (includes the assessment)

Grow Beyond Yourself Program:

Hogan Leadership Assessment, Evaluation, Strategies, and Transformation Coaching:

Insight into your Personality, Values, and Growth Edges.

Assessment, feedback, change strategies, and comprehensive coaching.

Ongoing evolutionary transformation coaching.

12 sessions (6 months) — $6,000 (includes the assessment)

Grow Beyond Leadership Development and Team Coaching:

Hogan Leadership Assessment, Evaluation, Strategies, and Transformation Coaching:

Leadership development assessment, including 360° and group dynamics evaluation.

6-month program: $12,000 for leaders


  • For more in-depth team coaching, contact us to explore options and investment.

Get in touch to discuss what program might work for you