How Do We Heal the Disconnect?
We are more digitally connected than ever and yet more disconnected from ourselves and each other.
Cheers and challenges
Do you listen to the small clues inside? Do you set your intention with curiosity? What's in the beginning is in the end—our prep, planning, mindset, and intention.
Stop The Train
In a crisis it’s essential to act fast, however, we are only effective if we do so with a clear and calm mind.
Certainty is Boring
The future has always been uncertain and always will be—yet we humans crave safety.
Rather than trying to control circumstances and events for certainty and safety, the key question is: How can we develop both an agile mindset and a steadfast presence?
Pssttt… Your soul is waiting.
While we often adapt and adjust to others to be accepted and included, we must realize that our individuality is also part of the solution.
The election fud is real
I feel it, you feel it, we all feel it. Worry is part of our human condition, it means we care, and what we care about can make us stronger together.
Stress is the new normal
What we resist persists. So, instead of managing stress, how about we transform it into growth?
In today's fast-paced world, stress has become an unwelcome companion in our daily lives. However, what if we shift our relationship with stress so that it's a catalyst for growth instead of an obstacle? What could change?
The Power of Surprise
The little known secret, that we already know can help us get unstuck. But do we remember to use it with intention?
you cannot self-help yourself back to work
Let's face it, sometimes we are just not in the mood and reality is that we don't just wake up motivated. So how do we self-motivate?
grow with the flow
Why can’t we let go?
It’s a bit of a paradox that the way to stay in control is by letting go of control.
Do you have a worry-free zone?
How do you find a moment of space for your mind to un-think?
Is faster better?
Performance today is not about working faster; it's about working better, but what does better mean?
Pause to think with care
In Danish, we have a “Tænke Pause,” which translates into Thinking Pause. It’s considered a way to create space for learning or a moment to get to know ourselves better.
Conflict on the Inside, Conflict on the Outside.
Is inner peace possible? Let’s face it, we all have good days and bad days.
Perfection is Not a Strategy for Success
I recently talked with a coaching client about how our work culture encourages perfection as a measure of high performance.
The power of being human
Being human is not a problem to solve, we are an advantage to harness.